City of Lone Tree is one of the fastest growing suburbs in metro Denver.

Real Estate

City of Lone Tree is one of the fastest growing suburbs in metro Denver.

LONE TREE, Colo. -- The city of Lone Tree isn't looking so "lonely" these days. It's one of the fastest growing suburbs in metro Denver.
The city's population has grown by more than 5,000 people over the past decade and is expected to rise from 13,175 residents in 2015 to more than 31,000 by 2035.
What was once open fields is now homes and businesses.
"None of this existed. Sky Ridge wasn't here. Charles Schwab wasn't here. None of these businesses were here. It was just open space," said Denisse Coffman with the city of Lone Tree as she surveyed the recent development.
"The growth has been pretty tremendous really, mainly because of RidgeGate. There's been a 20 percent growth in their population over the past five years but their employment has also grown," added Keith Simon with Coventry Development Corporation, the developer behind the RidgeGate project.